Delphi Young Adults


Life After High School: The transition for Young Adults with Autism and Their Parents

For young adults with autism and their parents, the transition from high school can be overwhelming. The school years, while at times challenging, offer a certain amount of structure and predicability. IEP meetings keep parents well informed and connected with teachers and the plan for their child’s unique needs. After high school however, this structure is no longer in place.

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Coming of Age in the Age of Technology

YOUNG ADULT TRANSITION SPEAKER SERIES On November 2nd, 2017, Delphi Young Adults will welcome Dr. Raffael Boccamazzo to lead off our Young Adult Transition Speaker Series. He’ll share his thoughts on the topic of raising kids in a video game and social media saturated world. He’ll share his ideas for helping kids and teens to self-moderate, and help parents to

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Delphi Summer Internship

Delphi Summer Internship Delphi summer internship is an opportunity for young adults ages 18 and up to build skills and connect with community. Each day, internship members engage in small group projects for partner agencies. Each intern selects his or her preferred work task, depending on area of interest. The group projects positively impact our local community and are a
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Making a Difference for Young Adults with Autism

Making a Difference for Young Adults with Autism This story, written by Abbie Richert, was originally published in Plateau Living (April 2017) with a similar article in Madison Park Living (April 2017). You can find local copies in Sammamish or Madison Valley (Seattle). It is reprinted here with permission from the author. For young adults with autism, visibility and acceptance
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