Spend the summer doing meaningful work, building job and social skills, and boosting your resume. The Delphi Summer internship gives young adults 18-28 a place to connect with a community of peers and build real life experience.

Each day will follow a set schedule. The mornings are dedicated to working on a work based project. Then, during the Life 101 seminar, we will discuss topics that are most important to our interns including stress management, relationships, cooking, budgeting, and much more. After lunch, we head out for our daily outing, to museums, local business, parks, or wherever the group decides.

The internship focuses on real world job experience through our two projects. We will be working with the WIN initiative to help promote diversity inclusion in local businesses. The second project is to plan a neuro-diverse friendly convention, “Quirk Con”. Both projects provide our interns with the opportunity to problem solve, work as a group, and make positive change.

With high advisor-to-intern ratios, the Delphi Summer Internship is a safe, supportive, and individualized summer experience giving young adults a step in the right direction towards their future.


For more information or to set up an intake interview, email us at info@delphiyoungadults.com.




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