On November 2nd, 2017, Delphi Young Adults will welcome Dr. Raffael Boccamazzo to lead off our Young Adult Transition Speaker Series. He’ll share his thoughts on the topic of raising kids in a video game and social media saturated world. He’ll share his ideas for helping kids and teens to self-moderate, and help parents to communicate on this topic without creating a power struggle.
Navigating the world of technology, namely online video games and social networking is a challenge for all parents, but perhaps more so for parents of children with Autism or other social challenges. The already contentious topics of how much screen time our kids should have or how much their activity should be monitored become even more complex when we are considering children and young adults who don’t always pick up on warning signs of inappropriate behavior, or have the ability to self-regulate their own behavior.
Studies have shown that children with ASD actually spend more time playing video games than their typical peers. Video games are commonly a very important interest and at times a sole and consuming interest.
This can be cause for concern in that some children studied exhibited a perceived increase in oppositional behavior because of the amount of time spent gaming. However, the result of this vested interest in gaming isn’t all bad. Having a common interest with peers is actually a way that kids and teens who struggle socially are starting to break down communication barriers and connect with peers.
We also know that this population benefits from technology in a lot of ways. From communication tools, to reward systems, and adapted education resources, technology offers some exceptional tools.
The challenge lies in understanding the potential positive impact of technology, both individually and socially, while helping kids and teens to develop self-moderation skills as well as independence outside of the world of technology.
If you’re interested in attending the talk, you can RSVP here. You can find more information about Delphi Young Adult Programming and ongoing events on our facebook page.
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