Building Resilience through Whole-Brained, Wholehearted Parent-Child Relationships
Tiffany Sudela-Junker
Thursday, April 19th
Ryther : 2400 NE 95th St, Seattle, WA 98115
Tiffany Sudela-Junker is mother by adoption to two children with vastly different trauma-based special needs. Her award winning documentary, “My Name Is Faith” captures the Junker’s early journey, coming to terms with the impact their daughters’ difficult beginning would have on them all. Tiffany was Selected as an 2017 Angels in Adoption Award recipient by Senator Patty Murray (WA), she is a board member and the Parenting Program Director for the Attachment & Trauma Network and serves on the Leadership Committee for Kitsap Strong. We are so honored to be hosting Tiffany and to hear her story on February 22nd.
Tiffany will dive into the idea of trauma, how it represents not just catastrophic injury or loss, but also how more subtle trauma can be just as impactful on a child’s life. This trauma, along with toxic stress can hamper the developmental process, especially in children with neurological differences. This can show up as a difficulty in accepting love, maintaining relationships, and self-regulation, all of which Tiffany has witnessed first hand.
Opening up about her own growth process as a parent, Tiffany shares powerful stories about life with her two brilliant, funny and challenging children with special needs and reveals how leading experts led to important paradigm shifts and an unconventional path to building on Brain Development, Executive Function and cultivating Shame Resilience.
Tif shares how she learned to practically apply N.E.A.R. Science at home and her families own special brand of Whole-Brained, Wholehearted living. Her candid, interactive parent focused presentation guarantees to stimulate conversation about deeper connections and cultivating resilience in a whole new way at home.
We hope you can join us for this powerful and inspiring night!
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