PEAK Keynote Speaker: William Kenower

Delphi Young Adults is proud to feature William Kenower as our Keynote Speaker at the PEAK event on June 10th. PEAK, or Parents of Exceptional Adults and Kids is all about parents coming together to connect with and support each other. As a parent of a child with autism, an accomplished writer and speaker, Kenower shares his challenge and successes in an inspirational package.

 Kenower is an accomplished author, editor, and contributor to many well-known publications including the Huffington Post and The New York Times. We are honored to be hosting him for this event.

Kenowner’s talk is based on his own experience raising a son with Autism. From first hand experience navigating IEP meetings, varying types of therapy, and an uncertain future, he appreciates the challenges. His experience lead to a shift in his attitude of resistance and needing to change his son, to a place of acceptance.

“When I viewed his behavior as a threat, I tried to fix and control him. When I saw him as a threat, I forgot that I loved him. All I wanted, all I cared about, was that he changed so I could know my future was safe.”

Acceptance came,  Kenowner says from coming to realization that he needed to accept himself as well. When he no longer considered himself as a broken person, he was able to extend this view to his son.

“I cannot love Sawyer unconditionally unless I love myself unconditionally, and to love Sawyer unconditionally I cannot make Sawyer’s behavior a condition for my happiness.”

Kenowner will discuss the ideas of acceptance, unconditional love and discovering our own and your child’s true potential in his keynote speech.

Details about the event:

When: Sunday, June 10th, 2018


Where: The Mountaineers Club

7700 Sand Point Way Northeast
Seattle, WA

Tickets: RSVP now to save your spot.














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